Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Do YOU have your FULL?

She's got her FULL. I can't do a FULL. Have you got your FULL? I'm FULL. Are you FULL? She's FULL of it! Is the cup half empty or half FULL? The car is FULL of gas. My plate is FULL. I have a FULL schedule. The garden is in FULL bloom. I have a FULL figure. The dog is FULL grown. She had a date with the FULLback. She works FULL time. Be sure to make a FULL account. That english paper is FULL of errors. She is FULL of herself! My prom dress has a FULL skirt. FULL moon (not to be confused with New Moon) FULL blown. FULL blood. FULL Nelson. FULL fledged. FULL gainer. FULL length. FULL Monty. FULLer brush man! So this is my question....What is a FULL?
A FULL is an advanced tumbling routine which involves several tumbling aspects. First you do a Round Off. A roundoff is very similar to a cartwheel. The only difference is that you land on both feet at the same time. Also, your legs should be extended together before you land. This helps to gain momentum for the rest of the routine. Second is a Back Handspring - spring backwards, land on both hands, continue to flip, and land on your feet. Third is a Layout- Keep the body straight while flipping back. Spring back with arms extended above the head. Once the head is back and the body is upside-down and vertical, swing the arms down to the body to create the momentum to bring the entire body over. The idea of a layout is to have no bending at the hips or knees. Fourth is a Full Twist - Once the head is back, look to one side, turn the body 360 degrees in mid-air, and land facing the same direction that you started. This is the most challenging of the flips listed, and takes an enormous amount of height to accomplish.

Well...now I have a FULL blown headache. I'm going to get my FULL bottle of ibuprofin and take two with a FULL glass of water. Then I'm going to sit in a FULL tub of hot water and read a FULL issue of People Magazine. I'm going to say my prayers and be very thankFULL that I'm not a cheerleader and that the only tumbling I have to worry about are the clothes in my dryer!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I Believe I Can Fly
After attending a recent cheer practice, I came to the realization that yes.....these girls can fly! They fly frontwards and backwards and high and low and they do it with such grace and strength at the same time. I was very impressed with their stamina, concentration, and energy. I also noticed how much they support each other in each task performed - that's called Team Work. "Tumbling" has a whole new meaning to me....I'm sticking with my somersaults!!!
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